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Using Multiple Nodes

The free version of the Hub is shipped with transports (BoltDB and local) that can only run on a single node. However, the Hub has been designed from the ground up to support clusters.

Both the Cloud (starting from the Pro plan) and the On Premise versions of the Hub natively run on multiple nodes. These versions are designed for fault tolerance and can support very high loads.

Both versions work by providing extra transports supporting synchronization of several nodes. They support all features of the free Hub.

If you don't want to purchase a Cloud or an On Premise version of the Hub, you can also create your custom build of using a custom transport.

Managed Version

The Cloud version is hosted on our own High Availability infrastructure (built on top of Kubernetes). This service is 100% hosted and managed: you have nothing to do!

The managed version of the Hub can be purchased directly online. After the purchase, a production-ready Hub is instantly deployed.

To use it, just configure your custom domain name (if any) and your secret JWT key from the administration panel, that's all!

High Availability On Premise Version

The High Availability On Premise Hub is a drop-in replacement for the free Hub which allows to spread the load across as many servers as you want. It is designed to run on your own servers and is fault-tolerant by default.

The HA version is shipped with transports having node synchronization capabilities. These transports can rely on:

  • Redis

  • Postgres LISTEN/NOTIFY

  • Apache Kafka

  • Apache Pulsar

We can help you to decide which synchronization mechanism will be the best suited for your needs, and help you to install and configure it on your infrastructure.

The HA version is provided as binaries and as a Docker image. We also maintain a Helm chart allowing to install it on any Kubernetes cluster.

For more details (and a benchmark), read the case studies section.


To purchase the On Premise version of the Hub, drop us a mail:

Setting the License

A license key is provided when you purchase the High Availability version of the Hub. This key must be set in an environment variable named MERCURE_LICENSE.


MERCURE_PUBLISHER_JWT_KEY='!ChangeThisMercureHubJWTSecretKey!' \
MERCURE_SUBSCRIBER_JWT_KEY='!ChangeThisMercureHubJWTSecretKey!' \
./mercure run

If you use the Helm chart, set the license value and change the Docker image to use the one provided.


The clustered mode of the Hub requires transport to work. Supported transports are Apache Pulsar, Apache Kafka and PostgreSQL.

Redis Transport

This is the recommended transport when the Hub isn't the main storage system and low latency is needed. The Redis transport should fit most use cases.

To install Redis, read the documentation. Most Cloud Computing platforms also provide managed versions of Redis.

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Presence API
Custom event ID
Redis Configuration

The following options can be passed to the transport directive:

address or addressesthe address(es) of the Redis server(s), you can pass several addresses to use several Redis servers (ex: addresses host1:6379 host2:6379, required)
streamthe name of the Redis stream to use (required)
passwordthe Redis password
tlsenable TLS support
max_lengththe approximate maximum number of messages to store in the history, set to 0 to store all messages

All the configuration parameters and formats supported by the free Hub are also available.

Legacy Redis URL

This feature is deprecated: use the new transport directive instead.

The following options can be passed as query parameters of the URL set in transport_url:

tlsset to 1 to enable TLS support0
max_len_approxthe approximate maximum number of messages to store in the history, set to 0 to store all messages0

PostgreSQL Transport

The PostgreSQL Transport allows to store permanently the event and to query them using the full power of SQL. It is mostly useful when using the Hub as an event store, or as a primary data store.

This feature uses PostgreSQL LISTEN/NOTIFY.

To install PostgreSQL, read the documentation. Most Cloud Computing platforms also provide managed versions of PostgreSQL.

Presence API❌ (planned)
Custom event ID
PostgreSQL Configuration

The following options can be passed to the transport directive:

urlThe URL (DSN) to use to connect to Postgres (ex: postgres://user:password@, required)

Options supported by libpq can be passed as query parameters of the URL set in _url.

All the configuration parameters and formats supported by the free Hub are also available.

Legacy PostgreSQL URL

This feature is deprecated: use the new transport directive instead.

Options supported by libpq can be passed as query parameters of the URL set in transport_url.

Kafka Transport

The Kafka transport should only be used when Kafka is already part of your stack.

To install Apache Kafka, read the quickstart guide.

Most Cloud Computing platforms also provide managed versions of Kafka. The hub has been tested with:

  • Bitnami's Kafka Docker images (Kubernetes and the like)

  • Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK)

  • IBM Event Streams for IBM Cloud

  • Heroku Kafka

Presence API
Custom event ID
Kafka Configuration

The following options can be passed to the transport directive:

address or addressesthe address(es) of the Kafka server(s), you can pass several addresses to use several Kafka servers (ex: addresses host1:9092 host2:9092, required)
topicthe name of the Kafka topic to use, all hub instances must use the same topic (required)
consumer_groupthe consumer group of this node, must be different for every instance of the hub
userthe Kafka SASL user (optional)
passwordthe Kafka SASL password (optional)
tlsenable TLS support

All the configuration parameters and formats supported by the free Hub are also available.

Legacy Kafka URL

This feature is deprecated: use the new transport directive instead.

The following options can be passed as query parameters of the URL set in transport_url:

addraddresses of the Kafka servers, you can pass several addr parameters to use several Kafka servers (ex: addr=host1:9092&addr=host2:9092)
topicthe name of the Kafka topic to use (ex: topic=mercure-ha), all hub instances must use the same topic
consumer_groupthe consumer group of this node, must be different for every instance of the hub (ex: consumer_group=<random-string>)
userKafka SASL user (optional, ex: user=kevin)
passwordKafka SASL password (optional, ex: password=maman)
tlsSet to 1 to enable TLS (ex: tls=1)

Pulsar Transport

The Pulsar transport should only be used when Pulsar is already part of your stack.

To install Apache Pulsar, read the documentation.

Presence API
Custom event ID❌ (planned)
Pulsar Configuration

The following options can be passed to the transport directive:

urlthe address of the Pulsar server (required)
topicthe name of the Pulsar topic to use, all hub instances must use the same topic (required)
subscription_namethe subscription name for this node, must be different for every instance of the hub

All the configuration parameters and formats supported by the free Hub are also available.

Legacy Pulsar URL

This feature is deprecated: use the new transport directive instead.

The following options can be passed as query parameters of the URL set in transport_url:

topicthe name of the Pulsar topic to use (ex: topic=mercure), all hub instances must use the same topic
subscription_namethe subscription name for this node, must be different for every instance of the hub (ex: subscription_name=<random-string>)

Docker Images and Kubernetes Chart

An official Docker image and a Kubernetes Chart are available. Contact us if you need help to use them.


New releases of the High Availability Hub are automatically available in the Amazon S3 bucket containing the binary and on the Docker registry.


For support requests related to the On Premise version of, send a mail to